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Summit 2023
Throughout the Scriptures, God does big things on the top of mountains.
From Mt. Sinai where the Lord gives Moses the Ten Commandments, to Mt. Tabor where Christ is transfigured before the eyes of his Apostles, and everywhere in between, God seems to speak most clearly and profoundly to His people on summits.
With this in mind, we invite you to join us for our ninth annual Virginia Catholic Campus Ministry Summit on February 10-11, 2023 at the Richmond Convention Center.
Summit is a time to meet other awesome Catholics from around the state, to grow in faith together, and to encounter God in a new way. You’ll want to be there.

The cost for the two-day, one night trip is only $30*
for CNU students with code "CNU23"!!!!
* Do not let cost keep you from coming. Email Cate at
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